
NBA 2K18

Free Demo Out This Week, Will Roll Into Full Game
by Suriel Vazquez on Sep 06, 2017 at 11:21 AM
Platform PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Publisher 2K Sports
Developer Visual Concepts
Rating Rating Pending

Following in the grand tradition of recent sports games upping their narrative game, NBA 2K18 will feature The Neighborhood, a single-player mode that also acts as a kind of social hub. You can get a full breakdown of the mode by reading Matt Bertz' preview of it here.

Ahead of the game's release, however, 2K has announced it is releasing a demo for The Neighborhood called "The Prelude," on Friday, September 8. The mode will offer players a way to introduce themselves to the mode, then migrate their progress into the full game when it releases the following week on September 15.

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NBA 2K18cover

NBA 2K18

PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
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