Resident Evil Zero
For those who don't want to pick up Resident Evil 0 HD as part of the upcoming compilation with the Resident Evil HD Remake, we finally know when its standalone digital version will come out. Capcom revealed the release date in a new trailer posted today.
The remaster will launch January 19, 2016, the same date previously announced for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One disc release. Today's trailer also shared pre-order bonuses: Wolf Force Billy and Cheerleader Rebecca costumes.The standalone title will cost $19.99 compared to the bundle's price of $39.99, and is coming to the PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.
Updated with modernized controls and widescreen HD graphics, Resident Evil 0 HD returns to the prequel that originally came out on the Nintendo GameCube in 2002. You can read Kimberley Wallace's thoughts on why the remaster is worth your time here.
[Source: Capcom on YouTube]